Fellowship City Sermons
This is the Fellowship City Sermon Podcast. Who is Fellowship City? Fellowship City is part of “The Fellowship”, a movement of three churches.We are a Gospel-Centered, Disciple-Making, Transcultural family who want to see the world awakened to the wonder of God and His transcultural Church. We are a new church plant in the heart of Centurion – a fast-developing part of Tshwane, Gauteng.Gospel-Centered means: A life centred and saturated around the Truth of the Perfect Birth, Life, Death,Resurrection, Ascension & Return of Jesus Christ, affirming Him as Lord and Saviour.Disciple-Making means: As the Gospel transforms the individual life of a person, we want to see a multiplying effect of that in the lives of others and we believe that happens best in the making of disciples.Transcultural is a view of community that reflects, embraces and enjoys the diversity of its context, and by the power of the Gospel transcends it and creates one new community in Christ.
Podcasting since 2020 • 206 episodes
Fellowship City Sermons
Latest Episodes
Have You Heard? - Luke 8:4-15
Welcome to Fellowship City Sunday Worship!Have You Heard? - Luke 8:4-15We are starting a new series in the gospel of Luke, join us as we discover who Jesus is and what His gospel means through the writing of Luke.Let's l...
Episode 5

Deal or No Deal? - Luke 6:12-19
Welcome to Fellowship City Sunday Worship!Deal or No Deal? - Luke 6:12-19 We are starting a new series in the gospel of Luke, join us as we discover who Jesus is and what His gospel means through the writing of Luke.
Episode 4

The Saviour Is Born - Luke 2:1-7
Welcome to Fellowship City Sunday Worship!The Saviour Is Born - Luke 2:1-7 We are starting a new series in the gospel of Luke, join us as we discover who Jesus is and what His gospel means through the writing of Luke.
Season 1
Episode 2